2016-07-29—Block Island-Groton, CT

You are going to have to pay extra attention on this entry. Magnolia made a few stops over the last couple of weeks!


After departing Block Island, RI we made the short trip up to Newport, RI. It might appear that we were lost but we had not taken on fresh water since Baltimore so that was a top priority. We eventually anchored off Fort Adams where we anchored 2 years ago when we were here.


Newport is a really great place for us to visit, not just because my cousin lives there but the Bus system is terrific. Like any good cruiser, first stop in port, West Marine.


Though Jonathon was busy at work, we spent a fun afternoon with AnneMarie and Debbie. I thought after visiting with Ted and Sally on Amici and eating every clam on Block Island I would be clammed out…I could not resist another bowl of RI Style!


The challenge in Newport is always the anchorage. Its one of our longer dinghy ride anchorages and often rough because of all the traffic. We got lucky and were able to give AnneMarie and Deb a tour of Magnolia.


While in Newport a cruising friend offered us their mooring in Pawtuxet, RI. Since we had never been up Narragansett Bay it was a real treat.


Looking north towards Providence RI


The trip also gave us the opportunity to celebrate Annette’s birthday in a different location!


Our friends Al & Michele suggested we meet in Montauk NY. Another place we had never visited! It was a to day trip so we transited down the Narragansett Bay to James Island. Once again we had not taken on fuel since Baltimore so this was a convenient stop and also a great anchorage for the expected strong SW winds. Thats why we look confused on the track map.


We anchored just above the Claiborne Pell Newport Bridge. It turned out to be a much more scenic anchorage than we ever expected. I could fill the entire post with bridge pictures!


Overnight winds blew through and we nice sail down to Montauk NY.


First time we have been to NY in a couple of years.


This is why we do this…getting to meet up with friends and family along the way..what real treat our life is!



Kindred Spirit at anchor..it does not look like it but that day was windy as all get out and kept us all at “home.”


Next stop, Stonington CT. This day we really made Kindred Spirit jealous…being former sailors themselves, Al & Michele watched us sail across Block Island Sound without burning a ounce of fuel.


The big reason we went to Stonington was to meet up with our friends on Cutting Class, Dan and Marcia. We had a lovely evening aboard Kindred Spirit


Magnolia made the short transit to Groton where Magnolia will hang on a mooring while we visit family in Ohio.


First thing, chores. Annette had her hair done and I got after the laundry in the nicest laundromat on the east coast!


We are moored right across from University Connecticut – Avery Point


A really beautiful campus and enjoyable walk. You can see Magnolia in the background below.


A great benefit of UCONN is their webcam (http://avptcam.uconn.edu/view/index.shtml) which lets us keep and eye on Magnolia!


Now we are off on our long drive to Ohio and then towards Mine next week!

2016-07-16–Baltimore-Block Island

Magnolia has been keeping extra busy the last couple weeks that it is hard to believe that it was less that 2 weeks ago we departed from Baltimore with our extra crew-woman Cheryl aboard. One of our mentors Ty & Suzanne Giesmann took on this same route years ago. Our passage was limited to Sandy Hook due t weather/schedule. We were hoping this time to share the same passage with Cheryl but all the way to Block Island, RI. There are actually two lines, the blue indicates the planned route and the red the actual route…we did good!


The crew prepares for departure from Baltimore.


Our first day underway we were rewarded with light wind sail all the way to the mouth of the Sassafras River.


The Sassafras is one our favorite destinations on the bay so a requirement was a necessity.


In addition one of our loyal readers requested lots of pictures of the area so loyal reader here you go!









After our first easy day up the bay things go a bit more serious as we needed to pass through the C&D Canal and then down the infamous Delaware Bay. I refer to the Delaware Bay as the place Adam & Eve were sent to after being cast out of Eden. The passage is simply to be endured….


The Delaware has the most horrendous black fly population and that does not even begin to comment on the amount of commercial ship traffic.


A ship and barge passing in the channel…we stay far far away.


One of the things we wanted to share with Cheryl was how Magnolia worked through new and different places. The best way to do that was go to a new and different place we had never been.


On the south shore of the Delaware Bay just before entering the ocean is Cape Henlopen which fit the bill perfect. There is a well protected anchorage aptly named “Harbor Of Refuge.”


The one thing we were NOT expecting was how scenic of anchorage it truly was.  Good access, excellent protection, nice view and terrific sunset….we are hooked!


Lewes-Cape May Ferry








On the third day we go underway and headed out for the ocean on the 212 mile passage to Block Island.


“Hey I said ocean, cue the wind waves and near death experience” Ah yea, thats the other ocean. We were given this ocean, the one that had no wind, no waves and some minor anxiety…remember it is the ocean and she can be very unforgiving when she wants to be….


All day and through the night we had a non-plus passage..the usual shipping lane traffic off NYC and the plethora of fishing boats off the coast of NJ. Then, the sun came up and so did the fog.


We had a fair amount of fog all the way as we rounded the tip of Long Island at Montauk into Block Island sound and to Block itself.


After a 32 hour passage we arrived!


First stop after visiting with our friends on Amici was a visit to the legendary Oar House, home of the best MudSlide in the world…potentially the most powerful as well!


Potentially the most powerful…..


We anchored in New Harbor which is on the west side of the island. Below is the view of Old Harbor where he Ferry Boats arrive and depart.


Sadly Cheryl had to head back to Baltimore and missed out on M/V Pearl arriving. You remember Ted and Sally on Amici when we were in Myrtle Beach. Pearl and we have been hopscotching for most of the spring so it was great to catch up. A peak into our world, the next day Amici headed for Boston, Pearl to the Vineyard and Magnolia to Newport. We all come together and just as quickly scatter. Thats why these meet up are so special. Have no idea WHEN or WHERE we will come across these friends…but have 100% confidence we will…that our world.


Out last evening on Block Island



Off to Newport with the morning ebb….

2016-07-03 Baltimore

Magnolia departed Galesville MD last Thursday.


Before departing though we had Hartges pull Magnolia out of the water to have a thorough bottom cleaning, replaced the zinks and lubricated the propeller.



There is noting more important to the Admiral than swimming off Magnolia. First stop was Broad Creek up the Magothy River. Annette had the whole afternoon to swim and I slipped in much needed nap!


Friday Magnolia headed on up the Patapasco River towards Baltimore. Our first stop Tidewater Yacht Service…no Magnolia did not need work done. No Tidewater was the closest marina to the Maryland Cruise Ship Terminal.  See my cousin Suzie was returning from a cruise to Maine & Canada and since she came all the way from Ohio…so we just had to go and meet her return.




In addition Dan and Lori made the trip up for the brief visit as well.



It was a really fun impromptu visit!


After Suzie headed back for Ohio we decide that a visit to Fort McHenry. Yes, the Star Spangled Banner place!!!


The grounds of this monument are just beautiful!


We participated in a terrific talk about the history of the American Flag, the whole time holding a replica of the flag flown over Fort McHenry during the war of 1812.


The Army Fife and Drum Corp from Fort Myers.


Also the Army Drill Team also from Fort Myers…watching these guys tossing rifles with bayonets…nuts!



Magnolia got underway this morning for Baltimore Inner Harbor. Like going down the New Yorks East River, Washington’s Potomac we simple had to go up the Patapasco River to right downtown.








Magnolia dropped the anchor near the area called Canton where we will pick up a friend who is crewing with us up the coast…which leads into the next picture.


We will depart Baltimore in the morning for the Sassafras River so we can take pictures for my Aunt Julie…that’s just a plus! We will transit the C&D Canal to the Delaware Bay down to Harbor of Refuge off the Delaware Coast…from there we still do not know. There are two lines, one will take us through NYC and the other straight up to Block Island RI. The current weather pattern is making it a little tough to call right now so that will be a game day decision for Wednesday or Thursday….standby!


PS Dan and Lori, thanks for spending a terrifically fun day with us!!!

2016-06-29–“Home” but not much relaxing…..

After departing Washington DC we have been a bastion of non-stop activity…some fun some work so its all good!


After stopping and visiting the Metts Family again in Fairview Beach it was off to Solomons Island. On the way we passed

Naval Air Station Patuxent River. They must have cool stuff going on with all those antennas!!!


The real reason for the visit was a quick catchup with S/V Runaway whom homeport in Solomons. We had not seen Matt & Marti since the Bahamas so was great to catch up.


Prior to meeting up with Pentagon Sailing Club raftup Magnolia made a quick trip on out to Cambridge Maryland, one of our favorite spots. Runaway had shared some history information and we really enjoyed following up on that. Had no idea Cambridge was such a key player during the struggle for civil rights.


There is a lovely basin right in the middle of town to anchor and City Hall provides free WIFI.



I really dropped the ball on pictures at the PSC RaftUp but did score a good shot of Ray’s boat SV Etude.


We arrived in our “homeport” of Galesville MD then on the Memorial Day.


Its a little weird being gone for so long and then returning back to familiar surroundings.


Our dear friends Burt and Prue aboard SV Exuberant had already arrived and we spent some great times catching up. We were last together in Vero Beach, Fl but no matter we seem always to cross paths along the way somewhere.


As soon as we arrived we got right to work getting boat chores done. We started out easy, Annette getting the life raft to Baltimore for recertification and I getting the teak threshold stripped and varnished.


We were able to meet up with Frank and MaryMarie of SV EleanorQ in Annapolis and entertained by a storm and a rainbow.


We spent a great deal of our first season with these two and figured a lot of things out together, memories last a lifetime!


Not sure why the picture was taken at night but I had spent the day getting the water line cleaned up. It really was gleaming!


As much as many things about this yard make me crazy…the view is spectacular and even more so with a chilled glass of wine!


One high of the highlight of our time in Galesville is having the opportunity to visit out friends Jack and Kathy in New Jersey. There was an extra bonus of having Joe and Christine visiting from North Carolina. We wanted to get a group picture before we boarded Jack’s Checker for a trip to the ice creame store.


There is lots of leg room in the back seat!!!


It seems that our visit coincides with setup for the church festival and so for the last 4 years running we have had the “opportunity” to assist in setting things up. As you can see the ladies came by to check our progress…probably on the way to the spa!!!




You do have to appreciate the Roman Catholics for their refreshments, even if it is 11:00 am!


Caitlin and Christina flanking Jack and Hoban brother Joe.


A visit to Mr & Mrs Hobans home is like visiting my grandparents..their home is always so warm and welcoming.


As soon as we returned to Magnolia is was back to work getting the new water heater installed.



Being social EleanorQ and Slow Waltz visiting in Annapolis.


Had a new backing plate made for the aft cabin top cleats. It was previously washers and looked unsightly. Now matching Stainless Steel.


My cousin Suzie messaged and said they were on a cruise and wanted to know if we were close…Magnolia was anchored in Shady Side, a few short miles away. As I write this we are underway for Baltimore and hopefully will meet them tomorrow (Saturday) morning when they arrive.


Jimmy and Kaitlyn through a cook out on their DC rooftop patio which we enjoyed thoroughly!


Anthony, Jim III and Lucas



We made a stop back at 1805 Crystal Drive and visited with Kathy, Ron, Pat and Will, always good to catch up!



One of the final projects was to get the spare chart plotter installed in the Navigation Station which required relocating the Single Side Band (HAM) radio. Came out nice and works great!!!
