The first project of the week was to get rid of this “Rube Goldberg” monstrosity. Its purpose was to get rid of used engine oil. It did that by mixing the old nasty full of stuff motor oil that just cleaned your engine out and mixed into the nice clean diesel fuel just BEFORE it is injected into your engine to burn. “Yea, nah, that’s not going to happen!!”
My trusty screw driver and hose clamp nut driver made short work of “Rube” and that mess was gone. I am going to re-use the mounting board so added a couple coats of paint to freshen things up. Also in the freshening state. As might remember EVERY light on Magnolia was an incandescent bulb..not one LED anywhere. I have changed out all the lights above the engine room so next was the engine room.
All fixtures were modified to accept LED bulbs and in addition 8 additional LED fixtures were added.
The space is now brightly lighted and will making working in there much easier and much more enjoyable. The additional lighting did better illuminate how much of a mess we have going on right now…waiting on parts….argh.
One thing the Admiral wanted was a table that could be set at coffee table or dinner height. We located this this gas filled adjustable base.
Yes, that is a cordless drill. I was the last person in the entire world using a corded drill within the last year.
None the less we got to a workable solution using some thumbscrews though I need to trim the spacers a bit before we go into full time use.
I have been accused of spending too much time showing off the laundry room….I say, if you got it, show! LOL. The real reason the laundry room was cleared out was because of the picture to the right. That is the outboard bulkhead with the major cable run along with the inside the hull portion of the stabilizer system. This is the system we know the least about and one of the most expensive aboard. We are very anxious to to get this system inspected, tested and maintenance caught up. Sadly have to wait till we are pulled out of the water, which is waiting on the engine room going back to together etc…etc
I forgot to get pictures but the refrigerator/freezer location is cleaned out and should have that installed this week. (Nova Kool).
Now to the secret project……I was sitting in the guest stateroom looking around and about that time Annette came in with two teak support bars. As soon as I saw them I knew it was the piece missing from the puzzle I was looking at. Still the project needed a little modification to make it useful….
With the addition of a table top to left, Annette ended up with a 3ft x 5ft sewing table
Lots of light too boot. Not the fold down bunk above as well, more in a minute.
Slide the table top tons of storage….
There is front access as well.
The cutting room for now is the Master Berth Fwd where the bunk makes for the perfect layout and cutting table. The Admiral has begun work on the curtains for the Pilothouse.
I wish we could buy stock in that company…….
Thread was quickly put to the material.
Work continues….
Another gift though this one was not a surprise. In the Navy we slept in bunks very similar to this. My friend Jack Tennar has wanted a bunk like this at his house for years.
In addition Jack is also 6’6”…well my friend, I think we have as good as its going to get at 6’3”. Kathy there is another bunk in the same cabin outboard with a thicker mattress!!!
Its been a busy week, progress is pretty going pretty good. Hopefully have the engine room back together late this week. Should have the refrigerator in this week too…ie cold beer!