2012-02-09 Jack’s Work Is Done For Now (Part IV)

Well Jack completed the last of his current assignment today with the installation of the tank/bladder vent. Jack used a 1 1/2 inch vent line out of the bladder downsizing to 1 inch once the line passed through the bulkhead into the lazarette. Yes, the clamps are arranged like that on purpose, I am wanted to make sure nothing sharp was near the bladder tank!


The vent passes into the lazarette and to the downsized 1 inch vent line. I used plenty of thread sealer. Last thing you want is a Black Water leak! (Note: Need to give the lazarette a good cleaning!) I am going to make a protective cover for the fitting to make sure a heavy anchor or other object does not strike it.


Here is a picture with “protective” cover in place. I used a 4 inch piece of PVC. Cut off one side of the pipe and used some aluminum strap material to attach to the bulkhead. Its on there pretty good but still need to be careful with spare anchor!


The vent line finally exits the stern. The larger vent line was used so that it could it could easily be flushed at with a fresh water hose.


2013-02-03 Jack’s About Done?? (Part III)

Anyone who has “head” on their boat knows, Jack is never really done!!! Lets just say this particular project is nearly complete…for now.  “Jack” last left us with all the plumbing, pumps and valves installed. The remaining tasks are to add a vent fitting to the waste tank (yea it never had one) install the tank and plumb the vent to the outside.


The tank vent line will exit the tank locker into the after lazarrette (which is Magnolias huge trunk) and then out to the stern.


I installed a double threaded bulk-head fitting so hose fittings could be fitted and maintain the bulkhead’s water tight integrity.


After cutting the bulkhead into the lazarette it was time to cut the hole from the stern into the lazarette. This is the one that made me nervous since I had to cut through the hull and was afraid the gel coat would chip. I used plenty of tape on the gel coat and a tungsten tipped hole cutter.  


As can be seen the everything worked just fine. I used another bulkhead fitting here so we could easily flush the vent with a garden hose as required. Still have to reposition that starboard vent!


While I was spending quality time in the lazarette I installed some hooks to hang our emergency anchor rode. The hooks started life as Harbor Freight ladder hanging hooks. My hacksaw and I modified them just so!


Annette and I installed and additional fitting that will be used as a vent. I still need to finish plumbing the vent line but that will be next weekend when “hopefully” it is a bit warmer.