Though we have mostly been documenting the water-maker progress we have also been catching up with friends and family while we are in Maryland. Actually first stop in August was a visit with Frank & MaryMarie of SV Eleanor Q but a lass the gab fest took over and no pictures remain…. Out next outing, to the foothills of Virginia brought us to a visit with Annette’s Nephew and Fiancé’ Byron and Alex.
We enjoyed a tour of the Cleckner Estate and followed up a terrific dinner nearby. The fact that we were NEARLY 100 miles inland and minimal impact…that’s my story!
A friend we made in Galesville several years ago still enjoys racing. Dennis and we all started sailing about the same time. There are regular Wednesday Beer Can Races and he lets me ride along and get in the way whenever I am in town. It is ALWAYS a treat and happy to hear that he and Liz are both doing well.
The other Anthony, and full time race crew, he’s in the Air Force……
We had a lovely evening catching up with our old former neighbors Kathy & Ron over at Crystal Park. It was great catching up and we so miss them!
One of the highlights of August was to get some of the local GenIVs out on Magnolia. GenIVs are the grandchildren of the the Steinke Kids, ie Generation IV. We brought as many along on this day of sailing as we could safely fit on Magnolia.
As you can see everyone fit okay and we did have a particularly nice sail day in-spite of the fact that it was in the middle of August.
Magnolia while underway is a “dry” vessel but once we are back to the dock, the crew enjoys a cold straight from a bucket of ice…they were COLD!!
Thank you all for taking time out of your weekend to come share the day with us! Shannon, Shamus, Sean and Mary Rose, you are not forgotten and on the first sail of the season 1016….unless you come and find us on our transit south, more on that next time!
To close the month out we had dinner with Dan & Lori last night. The opportunity to visit with the before they enter the bonds of matrimony in October. We are looking forward to hosting Jim III this weekend while we get Magnolia underway for her Charlie Sea Trial (last sea trial before departure – and more on that next time) this weekend. Looking forward, more soon, Be Safe Anthony & Annette