Holy Mollie! Is time getting past us! To catch up on the happenings around Magnolia, we have had a GREAT season so far and the best is yet to come! We had excellent wind right through early June right up to Magnolia’s christening which we performed on 25 June but I am getting ahead on myself.
Saturday June 4th found us hosting Tony & Carol Haagar with Sr. Crewman Dan McAndrews aboard. As had been our luck Aelous the wind god sent a fine south wind which made for a nice sail across the bay. On our return back across the bay we did hold a small memorial service for Carols Father who had also been a Navy man. In honor of the occasion the Captain granted one serving of “Grog” for the crew.
The weekend of 11 June had been intended as an weekend anchorage for the crews of Capriccio and Magnolia. As it turned out the weatherman just did not cooperate but we were able to get a day sail and lunch in on each of the vessels. Not what we had planned but a good time none the less.
Saturday June 18th was dedicated to getting Magnolia prepped for her big day the next weekend but we did hold a special meeting of the “Boys Night Out” (BNO) society aboard on the 19th. In honor of auspicious occasion (and Annette would not give me the keys to Magnolia) spouses were invited to participate. It was again a great sailing day and the company better!
Saturday June 25th began with a light breeze and partly cloudy, mostly sunny conditions, just perfect to christen Magnolia. With the Admiral & Magnolia’s Sponsors (Orpha – Annette’s Mother, Lavera – My Grandmother) there in spirit we successfully completed the official ceremony asking Aelous to send us kind winds and Neptune to look over us no matter the sea we sail. It was a great day to share with friends and for Annette and I to reflect on how far we have come and yet to learn.
(Annette’s niece drew the Magnolia for us as a gift. I scanned it and you see this very flower on our boat cards and shirts and all matter of Magnolia Swag)
(I told Annette, just make sure the bottle breaks, no worry there, she was SERIOUS)
The July 4th weekend was the first time that Annette and I actually took on crew. Most people we have on board are friends along for the ride or experienced sailor that know their way around a cruising boat. This weekend was the first time Annette and I were expected to be the experienced ones. We sailed (actually motored – NO WIND) across to St Michaels and watched the fireworks on Saturday and then again motored down to Oxford, MD for the fireworks on Sunday. Everyone had a great time!
No more catching up posts, we will do better promise!