We have some friends that suggested the best Key Lime Pie is actually at Publix Grocery Store. A quick google drove us to a two mile walk…each way to investigate the legendary Key Lime Pie. It was pretty darn good. A good start to our 5 week stay in Palm Beach Gardens.
Yes of course there is chores. A little epoxy filling required on the teak deck to feel a couple of cracks. On the list is replacement of a few teak plugs but that is for another day,
A winter without these two is just not as fun. Al & Michele from MV Kindred Spirit came to town for a visit. The Loggerhead Sea Turtle Hospital is very close to the Marina so a visit seemed in order. I am happy to report everyone (turtles) seemed to be on the mend. Magnolia and Kindred Spirit both going to Quebec this summer so there was much looking at charts guides. While Al was here it seemed appropriate to take on a small wood working chore. We recently upgraded Pots & Pans and then somewhere along the way it was decided we needed drawer in the cabinet to house said pan….hence the drawer! A visit will Als brother Bill was also on the plan. You might remember Bill who helped with the purchase of Magnolia.
With the sadness of Watsons departure there was but only chores to turn to. A fresh coat of varnish on the NavStation along with installing some additional hand holds eased the pain. Then we had a happy surprise to have Joe & Christine in town to visit his sister Donna & Jack. It was a wonderful couple hour catch up….and then to top it off Al & Michele stopped (I think for Ice Cream) on their way back from the keys!
Roses on Valentines and Head Maintenance for Anthony. The joys on living on a boat. The guy in the shell was showing off and passed me while I was on my bike! For Valentines I went with Annette to a beach cleanup. Sadly it was raining and it was the cleanest beach I have ever seen…I struggled to find a cigarette butt! My niece is getting married this weekend so trying to make myself look respectable…off to Detroit where the forecast high is 27 freaking degrees…
Will let you know if we survive! Be Safe, Vessel and Crew are well.