2020-02-01 Stuart & Palm Gardens

Coming back to Stuart always feels good. It is where our second act of cruising commenced. It is where we found and re-fit Magnolia and where we met lifelong friends who helped make Magnolia what she has become. As I write perhaps some wonder what the hell he is talking about…its a boat, its like a house on the water right? The truth be told she is nothing like that…well to us anyway. Magnolia is our home but she also shows takes us on these wonderful adventures and she keeps us safe and gives us shelter whether that is in a quiet anchorage or 150 miles off the Georgia coast….just feeling grateful…..

Many of our cruising friends pass thru Stuart so its always a great place to catch up. We were able to meet up with MV Unforgettable and MV Way-To-Go along with the bunch of others at the Korgen Breakfasts. We also were lucky enough to meet up with Annette’s Sister Rochelle and Robbins while we were here.

We also had two jobs to complete while in Stuart. One was to replace a solar panel that failed. We pulled the old one in preparation and then….

opened the packing of the replacement. This was not a pleasant sight. Highly unpleasant! Another replacement though arrived meeting us in Palm Beach Gardens.

The other job was to have a small repair made to the pilothouse sole and have two coats of varnish applied. This is Rebelsi giving the deck a good sanding in preparation of the varnish.

This is the result….and of course no shoes are allowed!!

Out last evening in Stuart we able to coordinate a visit with Ted & Lucy Seward from the Pentagon Sailing Club. Ted was Annette’s first “Close Quarters Maneuvering” instructor. Its where is got her start driving Magnolia around docks. Ted & Lucy “winter-over” about 30 min away and it was a real treat to meet up with them.

We were departing the restaurant heading back to Magnolia when we find this guy perched on Blossom, our dinghy. He would not depart until I got in the the dink with him….he left no “presents” thankfully.

We got underway and made the short trip down to Peck Lake which actually nothing more than a wide section of the ICW with a small sit of land between it and the ocean. Beyond the mostly quiet setting you hear the roar of the breaking waves all through the night which is just very cool!

We had a visit from Beverly-S while at Peck Lake. Larry & Sue started their adventure on the west coast in California. What an amazing journey.

Beverly-S at anchor

Sunset on the lake, just beautiful.

After a long weekend visit it was time to head down to Palm Beach Gardens. There is a lot of consternation regarding Florida attempting to crack down on anchored boats in FL. Part of me agrees because this is often what happens when boat get anchored too long.

Annette went to a cooking demonstration at Williams & Sonoma where Ellie Krieger from PBS’s Create Channel was doing book signing…I think she really enjoyed herself.

We will be in Palm Beach Gardens through early March so if you are in the area be sure to let us know. That’s all for now from Magnolia

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