Before we get to work, the view from the office really is not so bad. Every morning I try and take a moment to enjoy the surroundings. I have been a little disappointed that have not seen the alligator again.
As I started the week with installing the antenna for the Single Sideband antenna I discovered a couple mounting holes needing to be filled. A little Marine Tex to fill followed by a little sanding. While I was sanding I decided no time like the present to knock another thing off the list and that was getting ready to paint over the green with blue…thats another day though.
The antenna went in fine and the radio is working perfectly! In other news…I walked past the sewing room the other day. The canvas guys had taken Annette’s stool out with the rest of the cushions for re-covering. This is what I found in the sewing room. A true Seamless Sailor does not let a lack of stool slow her down!
The big goal for the week was get the cabinetry work done around the refrigerator and have that installed. The surround and the door panels were cut from a single piece of veneer.
Our carpenter Ray did a terrific job. He executed out vision perfectly!!!
We are really happy with the outcome. It definitely brightened the galley!
It really cooled right down too! Now for the geeks among us…The fridge we selected was the Nova Kool RFU9000. It runs on 120VAC or 12VDC drawing just 5.2 amps. We have both modes wired and will use DC when we are on the hook and way from the dock.
In addition Magnolia received her first thorough bath this weekend. We have not made time to giver her a good scrubbing so it was about time. She is going to need at least two more before she up to snuff!
We also removed the old name and are working on the lettering for the new name. We are looking to use similar lettering as was on sailing Magnolia.
Giving her one last rinse before calling it a day
Up this week is getting a real start on the electronics installation.
Every day w/o an alligator is a good day–the progress is amazing, Mims
Lookin’ shipshape and Bristol fashion!
Thanks Captain, we try!
Great shots and reporting. Keep inspiring us!