2011-10-02 Cold & Rain, Sure Beats The Office

We had a planned a weekend sail with our friends the Tennar’s but unfortunately they had to cancel. In spite of the rain and cool temperature and Annette and I got underway on Saturday for a run across the bay ending up at an anchorage in the Rhode River near our homeport in Galesville, MD. In spite of overnight temperatures in the high 40’s Magnolia kept us perfectly warm. Granted we fired the gas stove oven to cook dinner, fired the 8.5Kw generator to run the hot water heater and the furnace for a few minutes before bed. We had a lovely dinner and comfy night.


Though the picture does not do it justice we were rewarded with a spectacular morning run back to our homeport in Galesville. It was a great weekend in spite of missing our friends Jack & Kathy.


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