Sitting in the Catbird Seat

Recently both Good Old Boat and Sailrite provided ideas for covering pushpit rails and catbird seats.  Simple and straightforward, you too could be sitting pretty.

Good Old Boat (March/April 2013 issue) had an article on covering catbird seats by Clarence Jones that is easy enough for a non sewer. He used iron on fabric mending tape to create the seams and snaps to hold the cover on.

Sailrite just did a video too.  They sewed the hems and used Velcro to fasten the cover.

They both used home foam insulation underneath.

Either way would make a nice comfortable perch for any catbird.

March 2013

Blog Dedication:

This post is dedicated to my cat, Stella, who will not be cruising with us as she has gone to the rainbow bridge – maybe to finally catch a catbird…

Stella kitten
What a cute kitten. Her tag from the shelter was so big…she got a new one.
Stella on her silk pillow
Stella on “her” silk pillow

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