2010-09-04 Labor Day Weekend On Corsica Rover


The Peter Family joined us for the Labor Day weekend for a sail to the Corsica River. The event was to meet the Pentagon Sailing Club who were conducting their raft up there. Though were not planning to join the actual raft up we did plan to anchor near by and dinghy over for a visit. The sail plan, approximately 45 miles each way took us north under the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, up the Chester River where it met the Corsica and then a couple miles beyond. During outbound leg of 45.2 miles we were under sail nearly 43 miles of it!

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The passing of Hurricane Earl off the east coast allowed for a wonderfully cool breeze to come in from the north west providing us with the best sailing conditions of the year. We configured the main with a “double reef” (making the sail physically small, there by catching less wind, there by less power) with just a bit of  jib out (see the above picture with small amount of sail). Also take note of the sail boat shown above with a heavy heal and nearly out of control (he was sailing under full sail).


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After a few pictures around the boat from our Dinghy, also known as “Blossom” (get it? Magnolia, Blossom). Note: Greg Rodgers brought us the dinghy name. We sat down to a wonderful dinner in the cool crisp air of the Eastern Bay followed by a visit to the Pentagon Sailing Club Raft up.

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After a good night sleep and a breakfast made in heaven and delivered by and Angel it was time to get underway and make our way back down the Bay. Unfortunately Aeolus did not provide us with as much wind needed so we did need to motor some of the way home.

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Upon arrival back to Galesville the crew conducted an appropriate passage celebration consisting of Maryland Crabs and various other gifts from the sea as well as those always hard working Hop Farmers!!!


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